

Can I use WebP images in 2024? What is a WebP file, pros ...

2024年1月4日 — Can I use WebP? The answer is a resounding yes, with major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge leading the charge.

WebP image format

Can I use provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.


Can I use provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.


Can I use provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.

"webP image format"

A modern image format based on the AV1 video format. AVIF generally has better compression than WebP, JPEG, PNG and GIF and is designed to supersede ...

"webp or avif"

A modern image format based on the AV1 video format. AVIF generally has better compression than WebP, JPEG, PNG and GIF and is designed to supersede ...

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use animated WebP? · WebP images store metadata about whether each frame contains alpha, eliminating the need to decode the frame to make this ...

Can I use WebP? A format made for the web

2022年8月19日 — WebP is a compact, modern image format that you can use to serve high-quality images that are a smaller file size than traditional formats like ...

Can I in 2023 finally start using webp images without a ...

2023年9月14日 — You can't use webp images for running Google PPC ads. We know it's because of cross-browser compatibility but you would think they would convert ...